zondag 18 november 2012

Hi everyone,

I found a way to send every update to everyone automatically without having to type every email address. The annoying thing was that it sent back loads of emails, so I couldn't keep track of who received it and who didn't, so I really hope this works out now and everyone can finally view my blog.  I've already made a couple of blog entries, so you can just scroll down to read the other stories.  I have very good news: all the money is in! I sent it in on Monday and it's such an enormous relief. I said it in my last blog entry as well, but I would like to thank everyone again for all their support. It means a lot to me and I wish I could give you all something back. 
I started my first aid lessons last week. It's twice a week for two and a half hours and it's quite intense, but enjoyable. So far I've learned how to deal with insect bites, head injuries, electricity accidents and hyperventilation. There are only 7 others who are following the course, which is a lot nicer than being in a big group. 
 Now I turn to my own first aid problems. I need to have the injections for typhoid and rabies, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding the latter injection in the chemists! They don't know when the enterprise is going to deliver the injections and they can't reach them either. There might be another injection which will arrive one of the following days, so I hope I will hear from the chemist soon.
Another problem with the injections is that I always faint whenever I get them. I'm not scared of the needle, but every time after I had an injection I have fainted. My doctor and I have not found a way yet of preventing this. For this reason one of my parents have to come along as well, but they are both also very sensitive to injections. A couple of years ago they went with my brother to get his teeth pulled and before the dentist arrived both parents were lying flat-out on stretchers. The nurses were talking about it for weeks afterwards.
My training is from the fourth until the eighth of December, but I have to allow a couple of days to get there. I'm going up on Friday the 30th to stay with my family in London for the weekend. On Monday I will take the train up to Glasgow and then I quickly have to catch the coach to Oban. I will stay over in a youth hostel near the ferry together with other Project Trust volunteers and we'll all have to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch the first ferry to Coll. I am really looking forward to this and I hope I will definitely have a lot more to tell you about my project in my next blog!